

Baptism Follow Up Guide

The level to which you are able to minister to students is often directly related the level of intentionality you are putting into your follow-up process. Here is a simple three-week follow-up process to help you move students from salvation to baptism.

Bible Drill Manual

For an explanation of the Bible Drill ministry for children, youth, and high school, including details about how to conduct Bible drills, read the...

Children's Missions Discipleship: Drop-in Mission Lessons

If you are unable to introduce a weekly missions discipleship program, try applying it to your existing Sunday School or small groups. Take 10-15...

Children's Missions Discipleship: Missions Offering and Promotion

Each Arkansas Baptist church receives a packet/box of special missions offering materials some two to three months before the emphasis month. The...

Children's Missions Discipleship: On-going Curriculum

Children meet weekly for 1 to 1 ½ hours. The following curriculum is available to assist with providing a weekly missions education program for your...

Choosing Curriculum for Childhood Ministry

A checklist for choosing an effective curriculum for childhood ministries

Developing a Children's Worship Ministry

Helps to assist a church in planning and developing a children's worship time

Explore Discover Grow Little Rock Schedule & Breakouts

This is the schedule and breakouts for the Explore Discover Grow conference at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church 2024.

Student Medical Release Form

Need a medical release for your students?

VBS Prayer Strategy Ideas

These prayer ideas were designed with Galactic Starveyors in mind. However, they can be easily adapted for other resources and events.
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